sábado, 1 de enero de 2011

How to Teach Your Kids to Love Reading. What you need? BOOKS!

Amplify’d from www.ehow.com

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    Make reading fun. When your children are small, read to them before bedtime. Make it a happy time when you're sharing books that bring joy to them. When they get bigger, encourage them to find a comfortable spot in your house where they can settle in and read for some "quiet time" each day. By doing this, your kids will associate reading with happy, peaceful times.

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    Choose appropriate books. Children sometimes try to read books that are beyond their reading level, and this becomes a negative, frustrating experience. Help them to choose books that are appropriate for their reading level and interests.

Encourage them to follow favorite authors. This is easy to do today, since most authors have Web sites and blogs, and your child can easily find them online. By following an author this way, you can also find out when they're doing book signings and appearances in your area, and you can take your child to one of them.

Read their favorite books. When your child develops an interest in a certain book, read it yourself so you can talk intelligently with your child about it. Have conversations about the characters and the plot (i.e., "Who dies in the new Harry Potter book?"). This will improve your child's reading comprehension, and will keep the book alive in their mind.

Have a reading lesson plan. Give them reading goals. This is especially good during summer, when you can set a goal of how many books you'd like your child to read over several months. Go to the library and pick out another book as your child finishes each title on the list.

Reward them for achievement. When your child meets a reading goal or gets a good mark in school for reading, make sure you reward that effort. By giving positive feedback and rewards, you'll sow the seeds for a lifelong love of reading.

Read more at www.ehow.com

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